Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Using blogs in Education

Welcome to our workshop's blog. This space is also yours, so please blog us away with your wonderful ideas, perspectives and experiences.

Sharing and collaborating with one another is the most important feature of the blogging activity, which enables blogger participants to achieve their purposes in a meaningful way.

Let's all blog!


Claire Thompson said...

Hello Cristina,
I have a blogger account, but I'm not sure how to become a contributor to this blog. Help!

Cristina Costa said...

HI Claire,

Just follow the link. Since you already have a blogger account sign in with your username and password and accept the invitation.

See if that works. Please let me know.

Leo Hutchinson said...

Hello Cristina

I will need to go home to actually do more bloging. At work the site is not functional for some reason. Perhaps that is because I am trying to blog during my cofee break and my computer actualy says that during a break I am not allowed top use it.

Claire Thompson said...

Hi Cristina,
I never received an invitation to join this Blog (or I missed it.) I checked Blogger help and it said to request a new invitation. Thanks!

Cristina Costa said...

Hi Claire,
I have just sent you a new email invite. The sender is actually blogger and not me. Sometimes, it might end up in the junk mailbox... : (

Cristina Costa said...

Hi Leo,
remmeber the machine is alawys right. LOL
Maybe you should try it only at home. You don't work during breaks... :-)

Anonymous said...

great post! It’s something I have never thought about, really, but it makes a whole lot of sense. Thanks for sharing
ART 101 Week 9 Final Project

Anonymous said...

great post! It’s something I have never thought about, really, but it makes a whole lot of sense. Thanks for sharing
ART 101 Week 9 Final Project